Sam and Paul Have Some Wonderful News to Share

Last week we launched these articles alongside new FacebookTwitter and Instagram channels in order to share staff achievements, office events, fundraising activity, and a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on at SGS Packaging Europe. We knew that there would be news about SGS babies but didn’t realise it would be this soon, so we’re delighted to announce that Samantha Foston and Paul Sanderson will soon welcome a new addition into their family.

Paul and Sam both work as pre-press operators at our Bridgehead office, which is also where the couple first met back in 2016. They quickly became friends and after six months started dating thanks to them sharing so much in common. They’re now preparing for the birth of a girl on Friday 7 December, to be delivered at the Hull and East Yorkshire Women and Children’s Hospital.

This is my first child and Paul’s second,” says Sam. “He and his son Zaiden recently moved in with me, and together we’re getting ready for life as a family. Zaiden turns four a few days after my due date, so there’s even the chance that they could share a birthday!”

We asked Sam and Paul if they have any names in mind. They say that there’s one they’ve stuck to since the very beginning but they’re keeping it a secret until she’s born – stay tuned for an update sometime in December.

“We haven’t needed to attend any parent workshops since it's Paul’s second child and him being a fantastic dad,” says Sam. “He’s done this all before and is a real expert, so I can follow his lead. We also have very supportive parents who will help out and give us useful advice.”

Sam says that there have been a few occasions during pregnancy where they’ve needed to visit the Women and Children’s Hospital and the staff have been great. At one point the midwife thought that the baby was four weeks larger than it should be, so a few growth scans were carried out and everything turned out to be fine. This put Sam and Paul’s minds at ease, with hospital staff offering reassurance and kinds words at every step of the journey.

The couple have recently finished decorating Zaiden’s room so that he can acclimatise before the baby arrives. They’ve built the cot too, which will originally be placed at the foot of their bed before the two children share a room. A baby shower was recently held, where Sam and her friends played a game in which they had to taste baby food and guess the flavours – needless to say, some were nicer than others! They also drew patterns and pictures on baby grows and bibs, creating beautiful gifts and lots of memories of this very special time.

It’s only a matter of days before Sam and Paul welcome a new life into this world, so make sure to keep checking our social media channels for updates and pictures.

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